
My Visit To

October 4, 1999: Warsaw
"Aryan" Tram Rails 1200x1600 (320 KB)

"Chlodna Street was designated as an 'Aryan' street by the Nazis because of its strategic importance to them. It carried military transport from east to west. It was therefore fenced at both sides by a high brick wall. In that way the Ghetto was divided into two parts (south side – Small Ghetto; north side – Large Ghetto). Between them a wooden bridge had been built. It was used by the Jews crossing from one part to the other, under the eyes of the German gendarmes. An 'Aryan' tram passed under the bridge. Parts of the rails still exist. Every now and then traffic was stopped at the 'Aryan' street, an iron gate was closed, and under police scrutiny Jewish rickshaws and horse-drawn carts drove through it. This continued until September 1942, when the Small Ghetto was liquidated." -- A Guide to Jewish Warsaw (©1996 Our Roots. All rights reserved.)

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