Update: 04/27/95 09:50 PM

Server Hardware Setup Complete

Well, I finally got my PC unpacked and running. I bought a Zeos Pantera with the following specs:

I had hoped to install Windows NT today, but that's going to have to wait until tomorrow. I thought I'd have plenty of time to get it done today, but... I decided to swap the 4X CD-ROM drive that came with the new PC with a 2X CD-ROM drive in my PC at home. So, I took both computers apart (very carefully; hardware and I co-exist, but not happily), swapped the CD-ROM drives, connected them up...

...well, I tried to connect them up, and the power and data cables worked like a charm, but the little "line-out" (sound) plugs were not compatible! You'd think these things would be standardized by now, wouldn't you? <grumble, grumble>

So, tomorrow's project will be to install Windows NT. Not only have I never installed NT, I've never even used it. I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'll let you know how it works out.

By the way, I just found out that my router should be delivered on Monday, so if I can get NT and WebSite running by then, I'll be all set to start testing the whole setup early next week. And if it does work, you'll be the first to know about it. (Well, if I have the windows open, the neighbors might hear me celebrating...)

At this point, you're welcome to proceed to the next diary page,
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Hank Mishkoff (hank@webfeats.com)